HR Coffee Hour With The GWU SHRM Student Chapter

Do you question the validity of your chosen career path since COVID-19? Do you wonder about the security of employment moving forward? Don't be afraid to think outside of the box with your career planning. Join the GWU SHRM Student Chapter President, Ursula Martin, during this wonderful Sync Session, to delve into creative ways of […]

A Passion for Innovation: How a Product Inventor Found Herself in Medical School

I want you to imagine being on every news channel in Detroit and featured in Inventor's Digest Magazine with the none other than the inventor of the Dyson vacuum cleaner. I'm the inventor of 5 consumer goods. I hold patents, and I have a passion for innovation. When products don't work, I can usually tell […]

Imagining With Your Hands: Low Tech Prototyping

This hybrid workshop advocates for making time to connect our hands with our minds through low-tech 3D prototyping to support active imagining in any project. If you are joining virtually, you'll need a few supplies such as paper, tape, cardboard, scissors, glue (use recycled materials please). Led by Dr. Erica Wortham

Funding Innovation

Discussion of how to recruit funds for implementing Innovation with respect to the different fields of interest.   Led by: Ms. Jennifer Kirkland