GWupstart Information Session #3 – Virtual

GWupstart is GW's central hub for social innovation training, mentoring, and funding. It builds on GW’s strength as an institution that fosters the next generation of citizen leaders. Approximately $45,000 […]

Family Business – Reimagined

A new normal has yet to settle, but business must continue. With the onslaught of new covid virus variants like Delta, how do Family Businesses Reimagine, Reboot, and Relaunch to […]

Create a Life You Love!

Imagine yourself living a life that you love - one that flows through the ups and downs that come your way over time. This interactive session will provide you with […]

Inventions, Grit, and Entrepreneurship in Medicine

A personal account of the medical entrepreneurship field, including learning from past mistakes, including partnerships in the business plan, and what it takes to succeed.   Led by: Dr. Marc […]

Cultural Entrepreneurship: Food, Family, and Values

In the face of today’s political climate in the Middle Eastern North African (MENA) region, the family remains the pillar behind cultural prosperity and professional success. One of the ways […]


Purposeful & Impactful Ventures

Re-imagine our lives, our mindsets, our businesses, our entrepreneurship, and our venture-seeking spirit. What is your WHY and how you could achieve what the B-corps figured out in order to […]